The 4th Golden Tree International Documentary Film Festival opened in Frankfurt

The theme of Golden Tree Festival is "Cultural Roots and Inheritance". The organizing committee has received 4523 films from 126 countries and regions to participate in the competition. Germany, the United States, France, China, and the United Kingdom ranked among the top five in terms of the number of participating films. After the initial evaluation, selection, and pre-selection stages, 53 films were finally shortlisted.

Chinese Consul General in Frankfurt, Sun Congbin, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, stating that the Golden Tree Festival provides a platform for showcasing excellent documentaries from various countries, builds a bridge for cultural exchange and mutual learning, promotes mutual understanding and understanding among people of all countries, and promotes the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. I hope that Chinese documentaries can travel from Germany to Europe and from Europe to the world, telling the story of China to the world and showcasing an open China in all aspects.

Frankfurt City Council member Stetzer stated that the Golden Tree Festival has grown into a well-known documentary film festival, and the number of participants is steadily increasing. The Golden Tree Festival makes significant contributions to the urban culture of Frankfurt.

According to Wang Libin, the chairman of the Golden Tree Festival, 19 documentaries will be screened at this year's Golden Tree Festival, with a total duration of 22 hours. At the same time, 10 nominated film teams will come to the scene to share the story behind the creation of the documentary with the audience face-to-face. In addition, a themed forum will be held to discuss hot topics in documentaries.


After the opening ceremony, the guests on site watched the opening film "Sheep Hero" directed by Dutch director Torn van Zantford. This year's Golden Tree Festival will close on the 13th.